
The Top Reasons your Roof Is Leaking


Upset household calling roof repair services due to a roof leakWhile walking through your home during a big rainstorm, you hear a telltale “drip-drip-drop” from a leak in your ceiling.

Bad news… you have a leak in your roof. More than an annoying drip, a leak can mean even bigger and more expensive problems like damage to your attic insulation or drywall. It can cause damage to your roof and home infrastructure. It can lead to mildew and mold growth. It might reduce the energy efficiency of your home, leading to expensive heating and cooling bills.

A leaky roof is not a problem you can safely ignore.

The minute you discover a leak, we suggest contacting a roofing expert to evaluate the problem determine next steps and a solution.

Rook Leaks and your Home

Let’s take a look at a few of the common causes and reasons why your roof is leaking:

  • Damaged Flashing: Flashing is the metal that protects the edges and vertical surfaces on the roof, such as a wall or the chimney. Strong winds can damage or peel back that flashing, leaving an exposed area where water can get under your shingles. A roofing expert can evaluate your roof after storm and make any low-cost repairs to prevent a more expensive repair project in the future.

  • Damaged Shingles: Over time, your shingles may become damaged. After 20 years or more of sun, wind and weather, shingles can crack, rot, or even become loose and dislodged. This can lead to an exposed underlayer on the roof that can cause a leak. If you have an older roof, schedule an inspection to identify damaged shingles. Repairing problems can prevent a roof replacement or other expenses.

  • Loose or Lost Nails: Roofing nails are not permanent. Over time, they can back out and be lost, leaving you with a small hole that water can penetrate and cause a leak. This can be a big problem on the edge of the roof, where high winds can pull at the shingle and drive rain into the hole left by a nail. A trained roofer should inspect your roof regularly to find and repair missing roofing nails to keep your shingles safe and secure.

How to Protect Your Home from Roof Leaks

There may be other reasons for a roof leak, including damaged rubber boots on your vents or even a backed-up gutter. No matter the reason, regular roof inspections by a trained professional can identify problems early.

A simple low-cost solution at the first sign of a problem can prevent a more expensive home repair project in the future. Contact your local roofing experts today for more information.

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