Can Roof Leaks Cause Mold?
As a homeowner, you take pride in your home.
You naturally want to protect your family from possible harm and discomfort. One common concern among homeowners is mold. Mold can be dangerous. It can cause structural damage, which then weakens your home and leads to rot and damage.
Mold also poses a danger to our health. Mold spores can cause respiratory and breathing problems. This damage is irreversible and shouldn’t be taken lightly.
You may not realize it, but damage to your roof can lead to potentially hazardous mold problems in your home. Not to worry, we can help prevent those problems and protect your family.
How to Find a Roof Leak
If your house is experiencing mold in the ceiling or other places you may be wondering “can roof leaks cause mold?”
If so, the answer to this question is yes. Roof leaks are a possible cause of mold. Mold grows within trapped areas where moisture can’t escape. When the roof leaks, air cannot reach the moisture to dry the area. As a result, moldy bacteria forms in the damp area.
If you suspect the mold is a result of a roof leak, make sure to carefully inspect your roof and rule out these alternative locations for water leaks.
How to Check for a Roof Leak
To check for a roof leak, make sure to look for the following:
Stains on the walls and ceilings.
Musty smells or an odor that smells like mold.
Missing, water-damaged or damaged shingles.
Waterlogged exterior siding.
Before you rule out the leak isn’t coming from the roof, test it out. Hose down the roof to test it with more water. Have one person wait inside, while you spray the roof with a garden hose outside one part at a time. Make sure to saturate each section with plenty of water and have the person inside call you when water starts to drip.
How to Check for an Interior Water Leak
If you don’t see any indication of a roof leak, it’s possible that you are experiencing an interior water leak. To check, make sure to do the following:
How to Thoroughly Examine Your Attic
Check for any signs of leak in your attic but be careful when you do this. Bring a flashlight for any dark areas. Look for any mold, water stains or musty smells around the rafters and roof sheathing.
Don’t Wait! Ask For Help
As we’ve discussed, mold is a serious issue and shouldn’t be ignored. Even if you’ve found the problem, you should still have an expert inspect your home. Let the professionals conduct a proper inspection and repair to ensure the problem is addressed, and your family is no longer at risk.
Don’t wait until the issue worsens and there is prolonged water damage. Contact us now at 800-497-4171 or visit us online for more information. Our roof specialists will help you immediately.