
5 Important Steps to Building Your Rooftop Deck


covered deck with patio furniture and dining table So, you’re ready to build a rooftop deck. To help you get started, we’ve come up with five key steps to take and things to consider to help you make the very best choices when it comes to materials, cost and design.

Step One: Confirm that building a rooftop deck is allowed… and possible. Depending on where you live, there may be restrictions that prevent you from building on your roof. To know for sure, check with your municipal building department. You’ll also need to know if your roof can support a deck or not.

Check with a roofing professional to make sure your roof can support the additional weight. You could also ask a building code official.

Step Two: Choose a roofing company to help you build your rooftop deck or ask them to refer you to architects and builders who can. This is critical. You’ll need a team of qualified professionals to do this job from start to finish, as going it alone at any time could result in an unsafe deck.

Step Three: Choose your rooftop deck design. Now for the fun part! Enlist the help of designers and landscape artists to help you create the rooftop deck of your dreams. Consider things like whether or not you’ll have plants and trees on the deck, and if you need outlets for lighting, sound systems and appliances.

Step Four: Here’s where things get more technical. You’ll need to decide on your deck framing. Sleepers are the most popular, mostly because they are the least expensive option. Wood framing is also a great economical option but can warp over time. Aluminum joists are usually the most durable and long lasting but tend to cost the most upfront.

Step Five: Select your decking. Synthetic decking like wood composites are very popular with homeowners but can warp in the sun over time. And we don’t advise softwood decking for the same reason – it’s simply unable to withstand the elements. We recommend high density hardwood decking instead.

Ready to get started on your rooftop deck? Contact a CertainTeed professional to help you make the very best choices so that you can enjoy your deck for years to come.

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